Play Underworlds with Agents of Sigmar at Tabletop Gaming Live

25 February 2020
Join Pete and Robin for a Warhammer Underworlds tournament at Alexandra Palace

We’re pleased to announce that Agents of Sigmar, the geek dad duo of YouTube fame, will be joining us at Tabletop Gaming Live 2020. 

Pete and Robin will be running an Underworlds Tournament on Saturday September 26. If you want to get involved you’ll need a ticket to Tabletop Gaming Live (which you already have, right?) and then you’ll need to buy an entry for the tournament. A tournament entry ticket costs £5.

Agents of Sigmar have suggested the tournament will consist of four or five rounds, depending on attendance, with plenty of time in between to chat and make friends with your opponents. 

So, while the battlefield may be bloody, you’ll probably just be having a bloody good time.

The team have also trailed that there will be prizes for ‘Best Painted’, ‘Most Off-Meta Deck’ and, if they can decide how to adjudicate such a thing – ‘Best Pun’. Other prizes are to be announced in the future on their Facebook page.

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Pete and Robin are two ‘geek dads’ trying to find time to play Games Workshop games whenever they can. They now create charming and funny videos about Games Workshop titles, but are best known for their Underworlds content. Covering battle reports, releases and deck guides, the pair have made a groove for themselves in the world of board-based miniatures games.

So join us on the day for some relaxed, friendly and highly competitive Warhammer Underworlds.