Free League Publishing announce Game Masters Guide for Symbaroum

28 May 2020
And it’s not long to wait.

A Free League Publishing announcement is usually a cause for some excitement, as they’ve previously brought us great games such as ALIEN RPG and Tales from the Loop RPG. Today is no different, as coming June 2nd 2020 is the Game Masters Guide for the dark fantasy RPG Symbaroum


Released in 2015, Symbaroum gave us evocative art and a rich world to go with it. The new Game Masters Guide for it scheduled for release next week, but can be purchased from today, and you can get this either on its own, or bundled with Adventure Pack 4 to be launched later this year.


The Game Masters Guide will contain three sections for inspiring and supporting Game Masters, in the Adventure section, the challenges section, and the rewards section.


The first, the adventure section will contain chapters on the design of game worlds, chronicles, adventure landscapes, and adventures set in the Underworld, Yonderworld, and Spirit World, as well as tips on constructing scenarios.


Following this, the challenges section will offer alternative rules for pitched battles, advanced traps and social challenges. You’ll also find information on ceremonial magic, expeditions, explorations of ruins, designing of legendary creatures.


Finally, the reward section will offer suggestions on different rewards for the characters outside of experience and coins, considering guidelines for curiosities, magical treasures and artefacts.

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To use this, you’ll need the Symbaroum Core Rulebook, and get the best experience with the Advanced Players Guide and Symbaroum Monster Codex, so it’s best appeal will be to those familiar with the game already – and a brilliant addition to your collection. Your purchase will also include the PDF, so you can dive right in!


You can find the Game Masters Guide over on their site, though it's worth noting to be patient as their capacity has been limited by Coronavirus precautions. 




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