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The Legacy

Our models for the heroes are endangered species. Let's continue the journey

The AWL Universe
"Each foundation begins with a single stone.“ After several trips to Australia / New Zealand and the wonderful experiences with its wildlife, we were looking for a place in Germany where we could be as close to free-ranging animals just like in Down Under. This is how we found the Affenwald Wild.Life.Park whose owner is committed to the preservation of endangered animals. It is, so to speak, the spiritual and emotional heart of the game: The AWL Universe was born.

The AWL League
Since the 1-player mode is particularly motivating, we have created the AWL (Affenwald Wild.Life) League. This is where the commanders of the armies of the Alliance gather to determine their bravest in the eternal struggle for the Crown of Darkness.

Let there be no fear – only bravery.

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