Miniature Wargames Issue 476
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- Offer Number:
- 476
- On Sale:
- 11/11/2022
- Digital Edition:
- £5.99
- Print Edition:
- £0.00 (plus postage)
Issue Summary
The Back Of Beyond + AWI to ACW; rules; painting Warlords Epic figures+National Charecteristics+ shows trip & scratch builds+news & reviews
On Sale: 11/11/2022
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What's in this Issue?
On the cover we have The Back Of Beyond: Chris Swan takes us all on a trip to far off lands using the eponymous ruleset: from Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tibet to Russian Siberia, all will also be included in your tour. Pack a case!
Command Decision: In Three Bloody Angles we go from the AWI to the ACW, and Jon Sutherland gives us three scenarios.
In General Grand Effect we present a set of rules for mass A Napoleonic games at an Army-Level by Arthur Harman.
In Simply Epic: we offer some painting encouragement for the following winter months: if you want to get the best from your diminutive Warlord mass figures, we show you how. Prepare to squint!
In Send Three And Fourpence Conrad Kinch looks at national characteristics with some ideas on how to interpret them for wargaming.
In a SELWG Show Report the Editor has a day out with his camera with a quick visit to North London.
In Defence In Depth we present the latest in figure and rules reviews.
We have two separate scratch building exercises to tempt you thin month: In Warship of the Sea Peoples Tony Harwood builds the Sea People’s primary means of transport (the clue’s in their name!).
Alternatively, in Scratching The Itch the Editor shows how you could build something from nonsense you find in your rubbish!
Recce has some splendiferous publications to pique a wargamer’s interest.
The Last Word has some more thoughts from the Editor.