18 August 2021
Here's what you may have missed!
Route 66 The Mother Road, Sid Sackson; America's Main Street ![]()
New press your luck games that see you exploring the famous Route 66. The Kickstarter offers two new Route 66 themed games with The Mother Road, and America's Mainstreet, bundled with two small box part games with Sixes and Dead Man's Chest, PLUS Sid Sacksons The Great Races. Buying the six together (which will include The Mother Road Pink Cadillac Expansion) makes it 40% off RRP.
Is it funded? Yes
What’s the pledge to get a copy? $15 (about £11) to start with America's Main Street
When does it end? Wednesday, September 1 2021
Where is it? Highway to Game
Corpus Angelus & Corpus Malicious: Codex of Good & Evil | 5E ![]()
Over 900 pages of content contained within the Books of Good and Evil, including a ton of new player classes, archetypes, races, plus option to play as monstrous or divine, new spells, feats, backgrounds, magic items, and more. It's fair to say it's a pretty comprehensive gathering, all compatible with 5E.
Is it funded? Yes
What’s the pledge to get a copy? £109 for all (but you can purchase individually or as digital copies for less)
When does it end? Thursday, September 16th 2021
Where is it? Will you be good or evil?
Edge of Darkness Expansion Emissaries of the Vale ![]()
Linking the lands of the Mystic Vale, with the cities of the Edge of Darkness, this expansion is for the popular card crafting game. Now you can learn the ways of druidic magic, and gather help from the Vale – and destroy the blight that threatens it!
Is it funded? Yes
What’s the pledge to get a copy? $45 (about £33)
When does it end? Saturday, August 28th 2021
Where is it? Exploring like never before
Doomtown: Weird West Edition ![]()
You may recognise this game already, but now it's offering a new base set. It's a poker driven, territory control game, and this version is compatible with the 2014 Doomtown: Reloaded, that is an expandable card game set in Deadlands. The new version offers new cooperative and solo modes.
Is it funded? Yes
What’s the pledge to get a copy? $60 (about £44)
When does it end? Wednesday, September 8th 2021
Where is it? Expandable Card Games at Dawn
Deep Space D-6: The Long Way Home RPG Gamebook 2nd Edition![]()
This is a hybrid tabletop RPG supplement to use with Deep Space D-6 Board game, where you begin on a stranded ship following an ambush, with limited fuel, and explore new worlds on your way home. You'll need either the board game, or the print and play in order to play, plus a D12 and writing tools, and will be a solitaire RPG that doesn't require a game master.
Is it funded? Yes
What’s the pledge to get a copy? $20 (about £15) for a softcover copy
When does it end? Wednesday, August 25th 2021
Where is it? Will you find your way home?
Tantrum House • Season 8 • Board Game Media ![]()
All of the best board game swag is available in this Kickstarter. Tantrum House are raising funds for their new studio, with increased funds going towards things like sound proofing or new cameras to increase the quality of output even more so. In return, there are tons of things you can pick up, from an overwhelming amount of promo cards, to branded merch, dice, and more!
Is it funded? Yes
What’s the pledge to get a copy? $8 (about £10) for one promo pack, with numerous other pledge levels
When does it end? Wednesday, September 1st 2021
Where is it? Help your favs make even more content!
The Hexagonal Gaming System by Wyrmwood ![]()
Fed up of your counters going everywhere? Tokens flying off the table? Meeples where they shouldn't be? Wyrmwood are offering hexagonal trays and storage, which are both modular and magnetic, tidying your gaming table in an instant.
Is it funded? Yes
What’s the pledge to get a copy? $20 (About £15)
When does it end? Friday, September 17th 2021
Where is it? Upgrade your table
Siege Command![]()
Maintain control of the battlefield in a lane-based tower-offence game. This sits in The Continent where several tribes span dozens of different cultures, but to earn a place in these, any tribes must learn to survive and thrive. Most prefer solitude, but others continue the tradition of seizing their security by force...
Is it funded? Not Yet
What’s the pledge to get a copy? $25 (About £19)
When does it end? Thursday, September 16th 2021
Where is it? Welcome to Kinterlands
Christmas Tree Dice For Tabletop Gaming and Family Fun!![]()
It's nearly Christmas (yes, I know!) and what better way to celebrate than with Christmas Tree Dice sets. Perfect for the dice goblin in your life, or just as a treat for you. Plus, the estimated shipping is November 2021, so it'll be with you in time!
Is it funded? Yes
What’s the pledge to get a copy? £65 (about £48)
When does it end? Thursday, September 16th 2021
Where is it? Merry Critmas!