May 2021 Issue 457
Issue Media

Offer Meta Data
- Offer Number:
- 457
- On Sale:
- 09/04/2021
- Digital Edition:
- £5.99
- Print Edition:
- £0.00 (plus postage)
Issue Summary
The W’adrhŭn Are Here! A new faction for Para Bellum’s Conquest + Ancients, Horse&Musket Rules; SF Scenario; The Boyne + news and reviews.
On Sale: 09/04/2021
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What's in this Issue?
On the cover and inside: The W’adrhŭn Are Here! Detailing a new faction for Para Bellum’s Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. This is part of a year long feature in the magazine where subscribers can build a whole army for free! So there’s never been a better time to subscribe to Miniature Wargames! Scenarios for Rome versus Visigoths; The Boyne; and Zero Dark. Simple rules for Horse & Musket; gaming with MS and what we can all learn; Uncle Duke and Kevin Dallimore’s Last Word, plus all the usual news and reviews.