31 May 2017
Green Horde now at more than $1.3 million raised
If you thought people were tired of zombies, think again: the next entry in the Zombicide series has blown apart its Kickstarter campaign mere minutes after launching.
Zombicide: Green Horde is a standalone sequel to 2015’s fantasy-themed spin-off Black Plague, which transported players’ survivors back to a medieval land filled with the undead. Guns were swapped for swords and magic, with a later expansion adding zombie wolves and climbable towers.
Green Horde introduces zombie orcs, who are faster and stronger than the roster of new heroes, while undead goblins are fast and attack in big groups.
Survivors can equip themselves with a whole bunch of new weapons, some of which can be combined for extra power or abilities. There’s also the chance to man a huge trebuchet, to catapult different types of projectiles at walkers across the map.
Players can venture outside of the castle walls, exploring medieval villages that feature water to slow down zombies or extinguish dragon fire and hedges to hide from roaming monsters.
The core box costs $120 (plus shipping to the UK) and includes the usual selection of crowdfunding stretch goals. It’s planned for release in June next year.
The Green Horde Kickstarter has already raised more than $1.3 million with 27 days left to run – it smashed its $300,000 goal in under seven minutes.
Having gathered more than $4 million, Zombicide: Black Plague was publisher Cool Mini or Not’s most-funded Kickstarter project until the launch of Eric Lang’s Rising Sun, which pipped it with $4.2 million earlier this year.
Kickstarter stats site Kicktraq predicts Green Horde will raise almost $20 million if the current momentum keeps up – but bear in mind that projects tend to spike at the beginning and end of the campaigns, meaning that figure is unlikely. After all, the highest-funded tabletop Kickstarter of all time for Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5 raised ‘only’ $12.4 million.