World of Twilight returns to Kickstarter

17 March 2016
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New warband - the stunning Casanii - funded in just five minutes.
World of Twilight returns to Kickstarter Images

Mike Thorp - the creator of the wonderful World of Twilight (no, not the one with the sparkly vampires) - has returned to Kickstarter to fund his brand new warband: the Casanii and their various beasts. Mike has definitely produced some of his most stunning models yet and, if you've never heard of the game, this is most definitely a great way to enter into this fantastic world of dinosaur-like beasts. We'll let Mike take over here:

“It's been two years since we launched the 'Travels through Anyaral' kickstarter and since then we've watched the player base grow, seen lots of fantastically painted forces and enjoyed hearing how your games have gone.

“The first Kickstarter focussed on the three main cultures of the Empire, as well as expanding the Dhogu and introducing the Kedashi. It now seems like a great time to introduce a brand new culture, who were just hinted at last time. These are the Casanii, a diverse race of fierce Fubarnii warriors who live in the vast territories of the Southern Empire

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“The Casanii have been around in one form or other since the earliest days of development on Twilight, but the large beasts and dynamic characters have always been a daunting prospect and I wanted to make sure I got them right. Using a mix of metal warriors and resin beasts I've finally got there! Kickstarter provides the ideal platform for getting the Casanii released as a coherent force and if successful it will give me the excuse to visit some of the more ambitious projects I would love to do. I've been cautious so far and the key models for the forces are already sculpted and ready to go.”

Take a look at the Kickstarter or have a look at the miniatures pictured here to see Mike's fantastic work.