Watch the 2017 World Championships for Android: Netrunner, Legend of the Five Rings, Runewars and Game of Thrones here

31 October 2017
img_7815_web-49374.jpg Fantasy Flight World Championships
Tournaments kick off on November 1st and run until the 5th

Fantasy Flight’s annual World Championships are some of the biggest tournaments in the tabletop space, with players battling it out for glory and more in some of the studio’s biggest games over the course of five days.

This year’s Worlds kick off on November 1st with a new competition for the recently released Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, which will begin at 4pm CST – or 9pm for us here in the UK. The L5R battles will run for almost six hours, concluding at 9:40pm CST (2:40am GMT), so you should probably get some coffee ready if you plan to watch them through.

After the initial rounds, Legend of the Five Rings’ swiss and elimination rounds will take place on Saturday, November 4th, with the first world champion for the game decided by the end of the day.

2017’s World Championships will also include the first Worlds for the Runewars Miniatures Game released earlier this year, which begin at 3:30pm CST (8:30pm GMT) and run until 8pm CST (1am GMT) on Thursday, November 2nd.

Returning to the major tournament are two of Fantasy Flight’s biggest living card games, Android: Netrunner and A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. Netrunner was recently rotated for the first time, resulting in several iconic cards from the Genesis and Spin cycles leaving legal play, which should make the competition particularly interesting to watch.

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The Game of Thrones tournament will be held on Friday, November 3rd, with the Android: Netrunner World Championship closing the run of contests on Sunday the 5th.

You can watch all of the play-offs live via Fantasy Flight’s Twitch stream below.

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