06 October 2016
British Library among those participating in free November 19th event
The ninth annual International Games Day has been announced, and UK libraries are among those set to open their doors to tabletop fans.
The day-long event is designed to promote the social and educational aspects of playing games and has been a global happening since 2012, expanding its scope from being the US National Games Day.
Public libraries can sign up to host events centred around gaming on Saturday, November 19th, with both tabletop titles and video games such as Minecraft supported and encouraged.
Other libraries, such as those at universities and RAF bases, are also welcome to join, with the IGD confirming that the British Library in London will be among those partaking in this year’s event.
If you’re interested in getting your local library to sign up (assuming it hasn’t been closed already), check out the FAQ and map of participating libraries on the IGD website. A limited number of free games donated by tabletop publishers will also be available to libraries that register for the event.