Two New Hunters for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game

15 April 2021
Now with more horn
Two New Hunters for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game Images

Two new hunters have been announced for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game to compliment the 12 originally included hunters.


After initial feedback from the Monster Hunter community, all of the hunters from the original Capcom video game will be included in the board game outing.



Pick up issue 53 for our in-depth interview with Steamforged about Monster Hunter World


Fans were initially disappointed that the Lance and Hunting Horn weren’t included in the mammoth two core boxes that Monster Hunter World will be arriving in (not including the other Hunters Arsenal expansion).


“Our original plan was to go to Kickstarter with 12 of the 14 hunter weapon types. That’s a relatively high number of player characters for a 4-player board game of this type,” says Alex Hall, product owner and Monster Hunter World megafan.


“However, after we announced there would be 12 hunters back in January, we began to see a mixture of excitement from those who had their favourite weapon confirmed and concern from those who hadn’t.”

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Originally, there were going to be four hunters in each box across the Ancient Forest core set, the Wildspire Waste core set, and the Hunter’s Arsenal expansion.


The two new hunters will be added to the Hunter’s Arsenal expansion. The Kickstarter for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game launches on 20th April.


There is a small price increase for the all-in pledge level to £211, bumping the price up a mere £9.


“Although we’ve done everything we can to keep the cost to backers down, adding the two new hunter miniatures and their cards will mean a small increase to the All-In pledge price. The new hunters will be included at an extra $5 per new hunter on the All-In price. We feel these complete the experience, and we’re confident the added value justifies the $10 increase overall.”


If you’re picking up the extra hunters, or the Elder Dragon add-ons, they’ll be available for as follows, Hunter’s Arsenal £30, Teostra £30, Nergigante  £37, Kushala Daora £44.


Pick up issue 53 for our in-depth interview with Steamforged about Monster Hunter World