Terraforming Mars Novels To Come

05 October 2020
Exciting news, with a new way to explore the world

If you take a look at the Board Game Geek's top 100, you'll find games that hold their title comfortably. Sitting at number four, is comfortably Terraforming Mars. It's a game that has permeated many a game shelf, and now it has the opportunity to take over your bookshelf too, as Aconyte (the new fiction imprint of Asmodee) has agreed with FryxGames to create novels set in the world of Terraforming Mars


Originally designed by Jacob Fryxelius, and published by the company set up by his brothers, it's a game set in the early 2400's, exploring challenges facing mankind and competition on the red planet. On int, you'll control a corporation, play project cards, build up production, place your cities, and race for milestones and award. You'll need to lead the way into a new era for humanity... A perfect setting for a novel!

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FryxGames’s CEO Enoch Fryxelius said: “Terraforming Mars is a game of bold and innovative ideas to take on the hostile environment of an alien planet and turn it into a living, breathing biosphere and a vibrant human civilization. We are excited to see some of these ideas come to life and become the backdrop of inspiring stories. Through these novels, we hope that more people will be dreaming about Mars and the future of human exploration.”

You should be able to pick up your first novel in Summer 2021, with more planned in the months following. Speaking of plans, there'll be even more to come, as some of Asmodee's most popular games (including Marvel!) are set for novelisation, with new books coming from 2020, through Simon & Schuster.