Spice up your spells with The Complete Illustrated Book of Conjuration 

11 December 2019
Wizards rejoice!

It’s complicated being a mage. First there’s knowing whether you’ll need to wade through a river on your journey, and which robes to wear just in case, and then there’s all the spells.

Enter: The Complete Illustrated Book of Conjuration – a new Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition spell book that hopes to make spell casting a little more straightforward.

Acid Splash from The Complete Illustrated Book of Conjuration

The book features:

  • 100 pages
  • 86 spells total
  •  Over 40+ illustrations and variant accent pieces throughout the book 

The book is illustrated and filled with tons of flavour text. From what we can see there’s even some magical phrases for extra pointy-hatted theatrics in your next game of Dungeons & Dragons.

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Yuck. The Complete Illustrated Book of Conjuration

The book should be a gift for DMs too. While traditional Dungeons & Dragons spell descriptions only offer a small portion of text, this books hopes to illuminated exactly how horrible certain spell effects are.

The book is already funded several times over its goal and has 33 days to go at the time of writing.