Send out your Love Letter on mobile and PC next month

14 September 2018
love-letter-pc-34131.jpg Love Letter (PC)
Post modern

It feels a bit strange to have a game about sending letters on your mobile phone, a piece of technology that has essentially wiped out the art of writing anything by hand, but that won’t stop us from playing the heck out of Love Letter when it comes to digital.

Developing the virtual version of the quick-playing card game is Talisman studio Nomad Games, which has confirmed that it plans to launch Love Letter on iOS, Android and PC next month.

The first screenshots of the app show an achievements system and single-player mode against AI. There are no details of how local or online multiplayer will work – or if they’ll even be included – but it seems inevitable that there will be some kind of way to play against your fellow humans.

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The shots also confirm that this will be the original Love Letter, themed around the epistolary wooing of Princess Annette by the players’ hopeful suitors – tough luck, Batman fans.

The one-to-four player count also suggests that it will be the original Love Letter rules, too, rather than the expanded deck of additional cards (including the assassin and sycophant) introduced by the Premium edition that brought the player count up to eight.

All will be revealed when Love Letter arrives in October. Unless it ends up lost in the post, that is.