Pretend you’re a pro by buying this World Championship-winning Game of Thrones: The Card Game deck

27 February 2017
chp05_cardfan-92251.png Some of the cards from the World Championship deck
Lannister Banner of the Wolf deck used by Joe Mirando to claim victory in 2016 tournament

If you want to get a taste of what it’s like to play as a master of the tabletop without needing to put in the long hours and invest more money than you have to, this might be just the ticket.

Fantasy Flight is to release the deck used by Joe Mirando to win the 2016 World Championships for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game as a standalone set, meaning that non-pros can pick up the exact combination of cards used by Mirando to secure victory and use it in their own games.

The deck is based on the Lannister Banner of the Wolf faction and includes 69 cards, including a faction card, agenda card, seven plots and the 60-card main deck.

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Fantasy Flight says that the deck is skewed towards fast, aggressive play, with the characters included encouraging the fast removal of rival characters and the rapid acquisition of 15 power. You can find the full list of cards and details on which set they originate from on Fantasy Flight’s site.

Even if you already own some of the cards, the deck will include slightly redesigned variants, with condensed formatting and full-bleed artwork.

The 2016 World Championship Deck pack will be out in the second quarter of 2017.