Tabletop Gaming Podcast: Abstract War with David Thompson and Trevor Benjamin

01 July 2020
We talk abstract war with the creators of Undaunted: North Africa

The podcast is back already! Chris is talking this time to David Thompson and Trevor Benjamin about Abstract War.

David Thompson and Trevor Benjamin are the designers by the double Must-Play winning Undaunted: Normandy and Undaunted: North Africa. We talk about abstract war games, abstraction in general, and most importantly, playing games with your brother, and or/your baby!

We also get David and Trevor's Top 'Five' (in truth, around seven or eight!) war games – covering everything from block wargames to games of politics and intrigue.

Please note there are a couple of audio hiccups in the recording which we hope will not detract from your enjoyment of the pod.

This marks episode eight of the podcast, with our past ones speaking with Dissident Whispers, Richard Jansen Parkes about Roleplaying Games, Folk Games with Ivan Brett, Card Games with Wossy, Family Games with Ellie Dix, Messy Games with Alex Sonechkina, and War games with Age of Sigmar. It's been great fun to speak with these people, so we'd recommend you check them out!

You can listen to the podcast through your favourite provider, we've got a list of them here so you can take a look, or alternatively: 

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