Issue 455 of Miniature Wargames is here

12 February 2021
A modern skirmish scenario + WWII, Oathmark, Sharp Practice, Viking scenarios, Covid Gaming, an ECW Siege, Duke Siefried + news and reviews.

Issue 455 of Miniature Wargames we have another great selection of rules and scenarios to help out under Covid gaming.

On the cover is They’ve Taken Hostages! – a modern skirmish scenario which uses the Delta One Zero rule set (which is free to download!)

In Command Decision: Kuban Bridgehead Jon Sutherland gives us a  WWII Eastern front scenario as part of a mini-campaign scenario based on the film Cross of Iron.

In A Cold Wind To Valhalla: we have four scenarios for the Viking Steel! rules which we introduced in issue 453.

Wargaming Under Covid: features some tips on keeping gamers enthusiastic and immersed under these difficult, social distancing times.

In Hooke’s Castle Arthur Harman has a siege scenario utilising The Portable Pike & Shot rules system.

In Uncle Duke we begin a short series on wargames legend Duke Siefried from the USA.

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With Virtual Gaming we give some examples of using tabletop figures, combined with virtual grids.

In Send 3 and 4 pence Conrad Kinch gives us a scenario for Sharp Practice.

In Armies Of Morgoth: Noted painter Graham Green gives advice on using Oathmark rules for Tolkien’s Middle-earth: this time it’s the bad guys!

In Practical Wargames Scenery Tony Harwood builds a Theme Park Cottage. Not a full sized one. obviously...

Finally, we have the review sections with of Defence in Depth, Forward Observer for news and Recce for the very best of insightful book reviews. 

Last Word  Features the  Bob Cordery.

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