11 July 2018
Issue 424 of Miniature Wargames is on the horizon. What nuggets can be located within its pages?
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Issue 424 of Miniature Wargames is on the horizon. What nuggets can be located within its pages?
There’s Greeks Bearing Gifts - an innovative system to help you run a Greek campaign set in the ancient world around the Mediterranean.
In Send Three and Fourpence Conrad Kinch gives us The Battle of Assaye: a Scenario for Commands & Colours.
For WW2 fans, we have Tavronitis Bridge: Maleme, Crete, May 1941. Another Command Decision conundrum by Jon Sutherland.
If modern games are more your thing, there's a Skirmish Sangin based scenario (although it could be adapted to any modern rule set) called Protect The Film Crew. Written by the rules author, it's an asymmetrical incident with Mujahedeen mayhem set in Afghanistan.
For fans of 19th century wargaming we have Altenhof 1848: a game shown at Salute 2018 and the article details the history and includes a downloadable ruleset!
For non historical gamers we have Game Over: house Rules for the popular AvP game system, and It’s Elemental - how to craft your own gaming figures from foam rubber!
For fans of the colonial period we have a little something from the Indian Mutiny: Sassiah, Agra & Fatepuhr are a trio of scenarios to fight out!
This month the Wargames Widow proves that the hills are alive with her dulcet tones as she tackles different styles of practical wargames hills.
Finally in the features, The Editor gives ‘em a Broadside and takes a trip to the wargames show in Sittingbourne.
For reviews we have Fantasy Facts: The usual peek at the latest in F&SF gaming with releases from Osprey, Brigade, Northstar, Deep Cut and more; Forward Observer: What’s up for review in (mostly) historical wargaming with five whole pages of reports on Redgrass Games, Conflix, Warlord, Victrix, Pendraken and much more. Finally we have Recce for thirteen book reviews. And the free Club Directory!