02 February 2018
What gems does it contain?
The latest issue is on sale on Friday, 9 February 2018. The issue is packed full of exclusive features, and here is just a summary of what the issue contains.
There is the Victorio Campaign: part one of a guide to the Apache Wars in the Old West from 1870 to 1876 by Robert Watt. This time it’s the Chiricahua and Mescalero Apaches; Renegades and the 9th and 10th U.S. Cavalry.
Hell by Daylight: A set of rules for 20th Century Skirmish gaming by Jim Webster. This time it’s AFVs and artillery! (Part 2 of 4)
Zululand: this is the a scenario (with the history behind it) for use with either Victorian Steel or Black Powder rules.
Zombski!! The creation – and the rules – to fight a modern show stopping Zombie game set in Chechnya.
Wargames by email: In his regular Send Three and Fourpence column, Conrad Kinch offers advice on running a long-distance campaign over the web with three examples: Stukas over Sodor; Once upon a time in the Peninsula; and Afghan Retreat.
Command Decision: A French Indian wars poser by Jon Sutherland.
Wargames Widow: Diane Sutherland takes us through the process of building redoubts. Many, many of them!
In Lakeside Property the editor examines pond life... and gives hints on building lakes for the wargames table.
For reviews we have Fantasy Facts: The usual sensor sweep of the latest news in F&SF gaming with releases from Darkest Star; Osprey; Titan; Daemonscape; Crooked Dice; Osprey; Darkest Star and Brigade; Forward Observer with (mostly) historical Battlefront, Victrix, Butler’s 3D, North Star, Deep Cut and Stoessi’s Heroes.
Finally we have Recce for eleven book reviews. And the free Club Directory!
Buy your copy today here or subscribe and never miss a copy again for only £39.99 a year here!