In the wake of the US election, Corporate America’s second edition really wants you to be president

09 November 2016
Screen-Shot-2016-11-09-at-16.21.08-05249.png The game first came out in 2013
To be honest, we’ll take pretty much anyone else at this point

Because what everybody wants right now is to think more about the relationship between rich businessmen and the American government, Nothing Sacred Games has announced a second edition of its satirical political strategy title Corporate America.

The game first came out in 2013, and charges players with running a corporation which attempts to exert increasing influence over the US government through a series of election cycles.

One player starts as the president, who must then attempt to hold on to their position of power in the face of bribery, campaigning rivals, protests, tax loopholes and attacks by sponsored media before ultimately revoking laws from former rulers and signing new legislation. In something that amounts to social commentary, the winner isn’t whoever is the president at the end of the game – it’s whoever has the most money.

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The second edition of the game corrects some of the first edition’s rules, as well as making it faster and more accessible to play. Apparently, some of the nasty cards “were just too nasty”, so they’ve been softened a little.

According to designer Teale Fristoe, the biggest issue was convincing players to want to become president. This is the main focus of the new edition, which has been (hopefully) achieved by making the legislation more positive and impactful, reducing the complexity of protests, and making the executive privileges (you are president, after all) more exciting.

The game will also have a new look, with overhauled graphic design, “new jokes” (we guess it’s hard to laugh about Trump without crying now) and logos for all the businesses.

No release date has been given for Corporate America’s second edition, but further details are teased for the “coming months”.


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