18 December 2018
KeyForge, Everdell, Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra, Yellow & Yangtze and more
The end of 2018 is fast approaching, bringing a close to a fantastic 12 months of gaming, but there’s still time for another Tabletop Gaming Podcast or two!
In fact, there were so many great board games, card games, RPGs and more out this year that you probably didn’t get time to play them all. Never fear! We’re here to let you know what you might’ve missed that’s worth catching up on.
The first part of our two-part Tabletop Gaming Games of the Year podcast sees editor Matt Jarvis joined by expert writers and reviewers Owen Duffy, Richard Jansen-Parkes and Alex Sonechkina to run through the games that kept them coming back to the table time after time in 2018, as well as touching on some of the games that weren’t as exciting as we hoped – and finding time to gripe about Christmas shopping in London, of course.
In a special hour-long episode, you’ll find extended thoughts on KeyForge: Call of the Archons, Everdell, Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra, My Little Scythe, Star Crossed, Yellow & Yangtze and much more, plus the occasional joke and a look ahead to what we’re getting excited for in 2019.
The latest Tabletop Gaming Podcast can be downloaded now from iTunes, Stitcher and Podcasts.com, where you’ll also find the RSS feed to import the show into your media player or device of choice.
The second half of the Games of the Year two-parter will be up before the end of the year, seeing Matt joined by writers James Wallis and Dan Jolin to talk about even more of the games that made 2018 such a blast.
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