First details of Doctor Who co-op dice roller Time of the Daleks materialise

14 December 2016
pic3299431-83128.jpg Players race to get to Gallifrey before the daleks
Players take on the roles of Doctors past and present in a race against Davros and the daleks

More than a year after it was first teased, publisher Gale Force Nine has revealed the first details of its wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey co-op dice-rolling game Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks.

The title throws together Doctors from throughout the British TV classic’s history, including the first, fourth, fifth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth reincarnations: or William Hartnell, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, David Tennant, Matt Smith and current actor Peter Capaldi, for all you non-Whovians out there.

Each player takes on the role of the Doctor – complete with miniature – and travels around time and space in the TARDIS, collecting companions on the way.

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The idea is to work together to complete series of challenges and stop the daleks and their leader Davros – also represented by minis – by getting to Time Lord home planet Gallifrey first.

Alongside individual player boards and decks of cards for companions, a central Web of Time board will be used to track progress in the game, moving from Earth’s past into the present and future.

There also looks to be time anomalies and ‘dilemmas’ along the track, but their role in the game is unclear at the moment.

A release date is yet to be announced for the game.