Fantasy Flight's Dungeon Crawling Behemoth is Out Today

06 August 2021
The eagerly anticipated Descent: Legends of the Dark is available in most territories now

We'll start by saying immediately – if you want to see inside the HUGE box that is Descent: Legends in the Dark, you should either watch the below video or pop over to YouTube directly, where we unbox it for a better look at what's inside (with a few surprises). 


Descent: Legends of the Dark releases today, after a considerable teaser period. This is a dungeon crawler game that places you in the heart of Tennorith, amidst heroes that have already had their day – but the true legend is about to begin. It is an app enabled game, where considerable work has been placed in ensuring this is a smooth process, and is of course, available for free on the app store. 

In fact, we spoke to the designers of Descent: Legends in the Dark for the latest issue of Tabletop Gaming Magazine, where they said that “The big question felt like, ‘How can we make the coolest dungeon crawler ever? What can we try to do that we haven’t seen a lot of board games in the genre try before?’,” says Kara Centell-Dunk.

You can pick up issue 57 to read that, plus a ton of reviews and other features by clicking here, or you can read the full article in time for its release by clicking here

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What emerged was an app enabled game of epic tales and exploration, culminating in a rather large box that includes a number of miniatures, as well as terrain and cards. 

You can pick up your copy by contacting your Friendly Local Game Store, or by heading to Fantasy Flight's website directly.