Ankh: Gods of Egypt by Eric Lang will be CMON’s next Kickstarter

07 March 2020
Lang’s third mythology instalment set to join Blood Rage and Rising Sun

CMON have announced today that their next Kickstarter will be for Eric Lang’s epic area control game, Ankh: Gods of Egypt.


You can see the trailer for the game, released today, right here:



If you would like to read an indepth interview with Eric Lang about the game, including how it plays out, and some examples of the faction powers, head over to our feature from December.


CMON have posted the video to Facebook, to start the inevitable hype about the game. You can join that conversation here.


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Ankh is a game of area control where you play as the gods of ancient Egypt, attempting to hold on to power as the country moves from polytheism to monotheism. As such it’s a ‘last god standing’ situation.


Don’t worry however, there’s no player elimination. Gods that get knocked out have the opportunity to join with others, forming a new god (so Omon-ra, rather than just Ra). This reflects the transition that many of the ancient Egyptian gods went through during that period.


Lang returns in collaboration with Adrian Smith, the artist for Blood Rage and Rising Sun, and minis by Mike McVey. Naturally, for a Lang game, the figures in this game – literal gods – are huge and impossibly detailed.


Read more about the game in our deep dive interview with Eric Lang, or join the masses speculating when the Kickstarter will actually open up.