Pathfinder Second Edition Game Group

I already run another campaign on the side but I intend for this one to be my main, weekly campaign. We play on Friday/Saturday evenings (TBD based on player availability) in-person at my house, so somewhat-local players are a must. We're looking for mature-minded players (18+) as our games are somewhat serious, though we can be silly sometimes. We’re all easy going, welcoming people, and we love video games, TTRPGs, lore and all that nerdy stuff! We're newbie-friendly, value role-playing, and prefer players who like to make decent character backgrounds, and bonus points if you're into Pathfinder lore (though this isn't a requirement)! Don't worry if you're not an RP expert or think you’ll be anxious/shy; we're here to help. Expect classic fantasy adventures with (usually) medium difficulty combat. I try to stay RAW but I’m occasionally flexible with rules to encourage creativity (rule of cool sometimes wins out). As a GM, I'm dedicated to immersion, using music/ambient sounds, lighting, accents, voices, sound-effects etc, and I use digital battlemaps on the big screen for my players (via Foundry). Thus, digital tools are welcome (we all use Pathbuilder currently), but staying engaged is key (phone fiddlers begone!). As silly as this sounds - hygiene matters since we play at my home. If you’re not one to shower before leaving the house, you probably won’t be right for our table. We're committed to advancing through levels (1-20, ideally), so no flakey people please. I’d like to meet potential players for a café chat to ensure a good fit, and we might have a small probationary period until I know everyone gets on (sounds more serious than it is). Our only no-go is explicit sexual content (flirting or “fade-to-black moments” are fine); everything else is fair game, though we tend to run good/neutral campaigns. Thanks for reading!

I'm (M/36) a Pathfinder Second Edition GM looking to add more players to my group for a new campaign! I already have one player with another TBD, but I need more.

I already run another campaign on the side but I intend for this one to be my main, weekly campaign. We play on Friday/Saturday evenings (TBD based on player availability) in-person at my house, so somewhat-local players are a must. We're looking for mature-minded players (18+) as our games are somewhat serious, though we can be silly sometimes. We’re all easy going, welcoming people, and we love video games, TTRPGs, lore and all that nerdy stuff! We're newbie-friendly, value role-playing, and prefer players who like to make decent character backgrounds, and bonus points if you're into Pathfinder lore (though this isn't a requirement)! Don't worry if you're not an RP expert or think you’ll be anxious/shy; we're here to help. Expect classic fantasy adventures with (usually) medium difficulty combat. I try to stay RAW but I’m occasionally flexible with rules to encourage creativity (rule of cool sometimes wins out). As a GM, I'm dedicated to immersion, using music/ambient sounds, lighting, accents, voices, sound-effects etc, and I use digital battlemaps on the big screen for my players (via Foundry). Thus, digital tools are welcome (we all use Pathbuilder currently), but staying engaged is key (phone fiddlers begone!). As silly as this sounds - hygiene matters since we play at my home. If you’re not one to shower before leaving the house, you probably won’t be right for our table. We're committed to advancing through levels (1-20, ideally), so no flakey people please. I’d like to meet potential players for a café chat to ensure a good fit, and we might have a small probationary period until I know everyone gets on (sounds more serious than it is). Our only no-go is explicit sexual content (flirting or “fade-to-black moments” are fine); everything else is fair game, though we tend to run good/neutral campaigns. Thanks for reading!

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1 Charnwood Forester End Loughborough, United Kingdom, le11 5ex