14 May 2021
Inject some chaos, surprise, and laughs into stale social situations
Across nearly a quarter of a decade of existence, Fluxx’s excitingly volatile framework has been emblazoned upon dozens of themes, topics, and intellectual properties. Whether you’re a Trekkie, a Monty Python fan, or simply infatuated with zombies, Martians, or chemistry, there’s a Fluxx out there for you. Fantasy Fluxx is Looney Labs’ newest addition to its flagship line, drawing inspiration from the fantasy genre’s vast swathes of stories and characters.
In Fantasy Fluxx players will be taking turns playing ‘keeper’ cards to the table alongside various others. As soon as a player’s ‘keepers’ match the goal card in the centre of the table they win. The twist is that there is no goal to begin with and the game’s rules are constantly in… flux.
Much of the game revolves around actually creating the game’s rules and win conditions, with each card played either altering how many cards are drawn or played each turn, or introducing other actions. New goals automatically replace old ones as players attempt to tilt the game in their favour. Essentially, it’s chaos in card form, and with the right group of players it’s ludicrously fun.
There are only a few minor card variations differentiating Fantasy Fluxx from its predecessors, so its allure will largely be down to players’ familiarity with the fantasy genre. With that said, the obvious nods to The Princess Bride, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings are handled playfully, and their mashups within the goal cards should make for plenty of table talk, even for those with only a passing awareness of the genre.
Fluxx’s tendency to either outstay its welcome or end in a flash is still apparent here, but this unpredictability arguably forms part of the game’s charm. This isn’t a game to get hung up about over the particulars of balance, strategy, and longevity, it’s a game designed to inject some chaos, surprise, and laughs into stale social situations – and for the most part it succeeds.
Designer: Andrew Looney
Publisher: Looney Labs
Time: 10-40 minutes
Players: 2-6
Ages: 8+
Price: £12
This article originally appeared in issue 55 of Tabletop Gaming. Pick up the latest issue of the UK's fastest-growing gaming magazine in print or digital here or subscribe to make sure you never miss another issue.
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