Zombicide gets the Novel Treatment!

07 October 2020
From games to comics to books, Zombicide has proven itself

It seems like only yesterday (because it basically was!) that we brought news from Aconyte Books of a novelisation of the popular board game Terraforming Mars, and the excitement in doing so. Aconyte Books, of course, being the fiction imprint of Asmodee. If they weren't busy enough, they've been brilliant enough to bring us even more news - and this time, it's in conjunction with CMON!

Cool Mini or Not, or CMON, have agreed a multi-year agreement with Asmodee for their Zombicide games. The Zombicide games have made a real impact, debuting in 2012 and pitting you against the undead (or virus infected depending on your choice of terminology). There's been the modern day versions, plus a Black Plague version, and also another in space (Zombicide: Invader), and the novels will span the periods in the three novels over time. 

CMON’s COO David Preti said: “We designed the Zombicide games to tell exciting stories populated with iconic characters who had unique personalities that came through in the gameplay. We wanted each play session to feel like its own pulp novel. We’re so happy to have a great partner in Aconyte, who understands the world and tone of the game, and is going to put these stories in prose for the first time.”

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The first Zombicide novel is set to be available from Halloween 2021, and there's no confirmation on which of those periods it will be set in. However, with just over a year to wait, there's still plenty of time to fill in those details and tell those stories as best they can. 

Of course, as mentioned these won't be the only novels from Aconyte, as there's also been confirmation of those such as the Marvel comics universe, but we anticipate with this rate of announcements that we'll see more diving into game universes as the year goes on.