Weekly Kickstarter Round Up: Wednesday 8th July

08 July 2020
Here's some you may have missed!

Our weekly roundup of games you may have missed on Kickstarter. 


Rallyman: DIRT

We've been waiting for this one, after announcing the news a while ago, Rallyman: DIRT has hit Kickstarter. This is a new edition of the classic game, which will combine the original Rallyman, with the Dirt expansion, “into one lean, mean rally game”, as a continuation of the new Rallyman range. DIRT though, is all about navigating the track as fast as possible to score the best time. 


Is it funded? Yes

What’s the pledge to get a copy? €49 (about £45)

When does it end? July 23rd 2020

Where is it? Get behind the wheel over on Kickstarter


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Dead Reckoning

This is a "swashbuckling strategy game", where 4x meets card crafting. You'll take command of a crew and head off on an adventure, exploring islands, fighting battles, and defending your ship and fortifications. You'll need the more treasure than your opponent to win!

Is it funded? Yes

What’s the pledge to get a copy? $79 (about £63)

When does it end? August 1st 2020

Where is it? Yo ho, Yo ho, a Dead Reckoning Life For Me


Adventure Presents: Tartarus Gate

This is a pen and paper RPG, from the same publishers of Judge Dredd. It's a series, in which each issue is a standalone magazine, with stories and characters from RPG designers and artists. It's first, is Tatarus Gate, a game of sci-fi horror set in the year 2130 - described as "The Office meets cosmic horror". 

Is it funded? Yes

What’s the pledge to get a copy? £10

When does it end? July 14th 2020

Where is it? Check out this RPG series on Kickstarter


The Original Sherlock Holmes and His Baker Street Irregulars

This is a tabletop game for 1-4 players, encountering people places and things throughout the original stories, with permission of the estate. You'll compete against other inspectors to earn Sherlock Status Points to earn the approval fo the master detective.


Is it funded? Yes

What’s the pledge to get a copy? $39 (About £32)

When does it end? July 26th 2020

Where is it? Elementary, my dear Watson

Ascension Tactics: The Deckbuilding Miniatures Game

Ascension Tactics combines "the best of tactical miniatures games with the acclaimed Ascension deckbuilding system". With 38 miniatures, 27 unique sculpts, 21 Kickstarter exclusive sculpts, and more - plus over 250 illustrated cards - this really looks like it achieves the feel of Ascencion. 

Is it funded? Yes

What’s the pledge to get a copy? $99 (About £79)

When does it end? August 7th 2020

Where is it? Show your support over on Kickstarter!

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