Tim Fowers’ word-builder Paperback hits iOS

28 September 2016
screen520x924-1-28482.jpeg Players score points for placing words
Mash-up of Scrabble, Dominion and trash fiction includes local and AI play
Tim Fowers’ word-builder Paperback hits iOS Images

Literary deckbuilder Paperback has taken to the digital world.

Tim Fowers’ combination of word-building games such as Bananagrams and Scrabble, card game deckbuilders such as Dominion, and kitschy novels allows players to draw new letter cards and lay down their word creations to score points, with abilities and ‘Novel’ cards racking up game-winning fame points.

The game proved popular upon its physical release back in 2014, and is now on its fifth print run. 

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The digital edition for iPhone and iPad costs £2.99 here in the UK, and includes support for up to four human players or three AI rivals, with online multiplayer planned for the future.

An Android version is due for release in two weeks’ time, according to a tweet from Fowers.


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