SPONSORED POST: Geek out at Adepticon 2020

31 October 2019
Geek Nation Tours is very excited to present our tour to the world’s largest tabletop wargaming tournament and convention – AdeptiCon
SPONSORED POST: Geek out at Adepticon 2020 Images

Geek Nation Tours is very excited to present our tour to the world’s largest tabletop wargaming tournament and convention – AdeptiCon. Here discriminating wargamers from around the world find a multitude of gaming experiences – from tournaments using a variety of different wargaming systems to the very best in gaming and painting seminars. AdeptiCon is also a wargamers’ shopping paradise with a huge amount of vendors waiting to show you their wares. It is a spectacle to be seen and experienced. Game with the best, meet friends from around the world, and roll dice all night long!

AdeptiCon 2020 is sure to be the best tabletop experience ever, as the AdeptiCon crew create more options and the ability to offer tabletop gamers an unprecedented Geek Nation Tours is very excited to present our tour to the world’s largest tabletop wargaming tournament and convention – AdeptiCon. Here discriminating wargamers from around the world find a multitude of gaming experiences – from tournaments using a variety of different wargaming systems to the very best in gaming and painting seminars. AdeptiCon is also a wargamers’ shopping paradise with a huge amount of vendors waiting to show you their wares. It is a spectacle to be seen and experienced. Game with the best, meet friends from around the world, and roll dice all night long!

AdeptiCon 2020 is sure to be the best tabletop experience ever, as the AdeptiCon crew create more options and the ability to offer tabletop gamers an unprecedented experience! Geek Nation Tours and AdeptiCon will bring you nothing short of an elite wargamers’ experience.

2020 will see Geek Nation Tours again include both the Very Important Gamer Swag Bag Upgrade and the AdeptiCon Weekend Pass in the tour price. The package includes Preferred Check-in, an AdeptiCon T-shirt, and an AdeptiCon glass. Not only that – Geek Nation Tours makes your VIG package even better!  We love making it easier for our tour participants!  We will pick up your tickets, weekend passes and your swag bags for you. Absolutely no waiting in line – just show up at the Welcome Dinner and “bang!” you will receive your loot hassle free (with a few extras from Geek Nation Tours, @DMG Miniature Factory and Ironheart Artisans).

Geek Nation Tours has of course, hotel rooms right at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel! So all you have to do is roll out of bed and into the goodness that is AdeptiCon.  But that’s not all! The Renaissance has also given us free Wi-Fi in our rooms for the duration of our stay…

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Each year Geek Nation Tours offers an “AdeptiCon Welcome Dinner” where we have had tonnes of Guest Speakers from all aspects of the Wargaming Universe.  From Black Library authors Dan AbnettGraham McNeill, Chris WraightC.L. Werner and Andy Smillie to Game Designers like Andy Chambers.  GNT also invites Wargame Industry leaders like Games Workshop, Fantasy Flight Games, Mantic Games, Warlord Games, Privateer Press,  Steamforged Games, Secret Weapon Miniatures, Cool Mini or Not, Fantasy Flight Games and Reaper Miniatures, to Pro Painters James Wappel, Victoria LambChris Borer, Dave Taylor, Meg Maples, Brandon PalmerMatt DiPietro and Sculptor Patrick Keith from Bombshell Miniatures.  Of course our Podcasting friends also come join us for some fun and allow fans to visit with the crews from 40K RadioIndependent CharactersEye of HorusBad DiceCheated Fates and the Anonymous Tabletop to name only a few.

This year we will continue to give you the ability to let you meet awesome people in the wargaming industry every single night we are at AdeptiCon!  We will have our Welcome Dinner of course, but because they were so successful (and tonnes of fun) we will again offer our “Meet the Podcasters” Bahama Breeze night out, then our “Geek Nation Tours Wargaming Industry Leaders” Night and the very successful “Exclusive Master Class Speed Painting Seminar with James Wappel”.  We will round this up with our Farewell Dinner and our Teach Each Other: Boardgaming Night were we get together to do just that with all the cool loot we liberated through out the week… Alternatively, bring a game from home that you love and would like to share with fellow geeks…