Space Cowboys is teasing its next remastered Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective game

13 November 2017
23376524_1985006931722565_2215472917809465002_n-76353.jpg Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective – Carlton House & Queen's Park
Appears to be re-release of supplements for mystery-solving classic from 1980s and 2012

The studio behind the recent re-release of Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective has begun to tease its next entry in the remastered case-cracking series.

Space Cowboys put out a fancy edition of Consulting Detective earlier this year under the name The Thames Murders & Other Cases, fixing some of the errors in the original ten cases from the Ystari version of the 1982 Spiel des Jahres winner and popping them in its new drawer-style boxes.

It also released a similarly revamped – and pretty decent – take on Consulting Detective sequel Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures, plus the competitive auction spin-off Watson & Holmes, which is very good indeed. Both those games were packaged in matching drawer boxes, forming a matching collection for game shelves.

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The next instalment appears to be Carlton House & Queen's Park, Space Cowboys’ previously-announced collection of scenarios from 1980s Consulting Detective supplements The Queen’s Park Affair and The Mansion Murders, as well as a couple of one-off cases taken from Ystari’s 2012 re-release.

Space Cowboys’ Facebook post simply promises that news on the upcoming next entry will be out later this week, accompanied by the artwork for the box. Could it be that we’ll see a release in time to crack crimes for Christmas?