16 June 2017
Each card presents a challenge involving posting to sites such as Facebook or Twitter, with three ‘Save Your Ass’ cards allowing a get-out in exchange for face-to-face humiliation
If you’ve ever attended a party or drunken get-together as a late teenager or early twenty-something during the age of social media, you’ll no doubt have experienced someone ‘hilariously’ trying to post an embarrassing tweet or status on Facebook. Humiliating yourself online has even become part of the culture of things such as bedroom FIFA tournaments, with losers forced to post extensive apologies or perform forfeits for losing at the football video game.
Out of this we now have Socially Hacked, a new party card game that capitalises on the seemingly unending obsession with seeing others’ dignity suffer.
The game is very simple: each turn, a player draws a ‘hack’ card, which proposes a dare. The challenge usually involves posting a specific status or sharing a photo or video designed to cause embarrassment, such as a slow-motion video of the player being slapped in the face with baby powder or swapping clothes with another member of the group.
If that round’s prompt is a little too much, the player can use one of their three starting ‘Save Your Ass’ cards to get out of performing the dare. This doesn’t mean avoiding embarrassment altogether, mind – instead, they then have to read out a humiliating statement to the group in real-life.
The winner is the only player left with at least one ‘Save Your Ass’ card, although drawing a ‘firewall’ card means beating the hacker and dodging future challenges.
Coming from a US pair of designers, Adam Prange and Brian Casey, the game is said to be suitable for ages 21 and over (translating to 18 in the UK) – plenty of the cards feature offensive humour and crude language, tapping into the Cards Against Humanity vein, and it's explicitly positioned as a game that goes well with drinking.
Socially Hacked has plans to launch on Kickstarter in July, costing $20 (£16).