10 November 2016
Pre-orders due out in December, with a general release next spring
Rick Priestley’s sci-fi wargame Beyond the Gates of Antares has been reimagined for a new dice game spin-off.
Imaginatively titled Beyond the Gates of Antares: The Dice Game, the title designed by Matt Green and Sam Mercer distils control of the Concord IMTel, Isorian, Boromite, Ghar Empire and Algoryn Prosperate down to a roll of dice.
The groups are vying for control of the titular gates; each roll represents a military battle, with a victory symbolising a step towards domination.
Players roll the Skirmish dice to score vital points, with their rivals able to utilise Fate dice to oppose their attempts and hinder the outcome of rolls. Each faction also has its own unique abilities.
Priced at £14.95, the pack includes 22 dice, five army faction cards, a gate system card and the six-page rulebook.
Publisher Warlord Games is offering advance purchase of the game, which will be released in December and include a pre-order-only 28mm Antares miniature.
For everyone else, Beyond the Gates of Antares: The Dice Game will receive a general release next spring.
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