Renegade confirms English reprint and Japanese localisation of Lotus

30 September 2016
pic3068462-23069.jpg Lotus sees players placing petal cards to complete the sought-after flowers
Flower-growing card game to be translated with help of Hobby Japan

Jordan and Mandy Goddard’s flower-growing card game Lotus is sowing its seeds in pastures new.

The Renegade Game Studios-published title, which sees two to four players laying petal cards to complete and pick a flower while also placing insect guardians to fend off the efforts of their green-fingered rivals, was released on September 28th but reportedly sold out before its launch date.

Renegade has subsequently announced a second English-language print run of the game, which is due out next month, priced at $30 in the US.

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Lotus is also set to cross other language barriers, with a Japanese translation in collaboration with local publisher Hobby Japan planned for release before the end of 2017.