Onyx Path Publishing Online Convention This Weekend

09 June 2020
Online conventions as far as the eye can see


We’ve been seeing a number of virtual conventions crop up as a result of our current lockdown, from Renegade Con Virtual this past weekend, to those still to come – Gen Con, UK Game Expo, and more. Well, now we’ve added to the list with Onyx Path Publishing, who have announced their online convention for this weekend, June 12th to 14th 2020.


Onyx Path Publishing works to create immersive worlds, including Scion, Dystopia Rising Evolution, and Vampire: The Masquerade, of which we recently reviewed The Fall of London. They focus on sci-fi, fantasy, and horror RPG systems, to great effect, and we’re always excited to see what they bring next.


Its plan for the weekend convention is to host virtual organised game sessions, actual plays, and TTRPG industry professional workshops, plus panels with content creators and game developers. To do so, it’s partnering with Gehenna Gaming, who provide unique horror gaming experiences in its virtual tabletop rooms, allowing you to see games such as Scarred Lands and LegendLore.  These are selling out fast, so be sure to reserve your seat if you want to get involved!


Of the panels, there’s a wide range to choose from, from Diversity in Tabletop Gaming, to how to write for TTRPG, to Consent and Safety Mechanics in Horror Games, to a live podcast recording. These are to be available on Twitch and Youtube.


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There’ll also be giveaways throughout the convention, plus a portion of any proceeds raised will go to Thurgood Marshall College Fund and The Bodhana Group.


You can find out more about the convention, and plan your schedule with it, over on their site.



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