28 April 2020
Braiiiiiiins (eaten in a social distancing friendly way).
When you enjoy a game, it’s almost always nice to get some little extras, and CMON are treating us to these each week for popular game series Zombicide
Zombicide by CMON is a ‘zombie havoc boardgame’ by Guillotine Games. Each season of the game offers a new setting, starting with Sci-fi, moving onto Fantasy, and finally, the newly available Season 3 Classic setting. As a general rule they’re cooperative games, for up to 12 players aged 13 and up. You’ll need to cooperate to survive, trading equipment, advice, all whilst fending off increasing levels of zombies.
We took a look at Zombicide: Invader some time ago, with our review posted online.
CMON have been releasing new scenarios for the games with mixed difficulty as part of #ZombiFriday. This week, it was Infested tents – ‘We found a good spot to settle, but these pesky zombies who were camping when they were infected keep showing up. We'll have to clean up the area. Good thing we have this fire... gadget... thingy. And it runs on zombies. So guess who's becoming fuel for it!’.
Prior to that, there was Blind Law, a scenario for Zombicide: Invader and Black Ops, The Orcs trap, which was for Zombicide: Green Hoard (the map gets smaller every turn!), and tonnes more. If you’re a fan of the games, there’ll be something in there for you to enjoy.
The familiar part of Zombicide is the sheer level of zombies you’ll need to fend off, and these scenarios continue to use this mechanic so you’ll feel part of the game, whilst always having to watch for their return…