New Feminist Dungeon-Crawler Library Labyrinth Coming to Kickstarter in Summer

08 March 2021
All-female team Dissent Games take us on a journey to escape the library

Perfect news for International Women's day, is the news of an all-women design team announcing a brand new board game to Kickstarter this summer. UK Based indie publisher Dissent Games confirm Library Labyrinth, with a 2022 release. 

Library Labyrinth sees players trying to escape from a library, which has been overrun with monsters. In order to defeat the monsters, they must call on the skills of famous fictional characters and historical figures from the books around them.

Made up of Jessica Metheringham (creator of Disarm the Base), joined by Mill Goble (VR and Escape Room designer), the latter saidK “We’d noticed a lack of women in the board game design industry, and how that imbalance seemed to seep into the characters often featured in games. We found we were often forced to play as male roles, or feel objectified by some of the depictions of female characters in the artwork. We decided to redress the balance, and so our game only features strong, incredible, female and non-binary role-models fighting alongside the player”.

Artists Samantha Grieve and Ella Royer also joined the team,  responsible for portraying over 100 literary and historical characters, plus obstacles and monsters, and stunning box and board artwork. Dissident Games said in addition, They are also currently recruiting more cultural and diversity consultants and sensitivity readers to the team to ensure BIPOC, gender-nonconforming, and disabled characters are also fairly represented.

As for the game itself, Library Labyrinth is a co-operative game for 2-5 players, and takes approximately 45-60 minutes to play. There are twists and changes in the final round, and then each player will need to work alone to save the team!

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You'll find the game on Kickstarter in summer of this year, with the delivery of the game expected in December 2022. In the meantime, you can sign up for updates over on the Library Labyrinth website


PLUS, in great news you'll be seeing more of Dissent Games at the Tabletop Gaming Spring Showcase! This event is bringing you videos from a wealth of creators, designers, publishers and more, giving us something to look forward to in 2021, and we're delighted to say that Dissent Games will be offering a video for it too!