NEW: Dungeon Master's Guide to Roleplaying Available Now!

31 July 2020
Perfect for every DM, GM, and player alike!
NEW: Dungeon Master's Guide to Roleplaying Available Now! Images

When you enter the world of roleplaying games, there's so much to think about. Which game do I play? What extras are there? How do I play or run a campaign?

Over the years we've covered a ton of roleplaying games, from the very starter games, to the very complex. Along the way we've asked if you've ever wondered about using music in your RPG’s? Or using defeat to aid your story? Or how you might set boundaries in your game? We've spoken to some amazing creators, from Monsterhearts to Critical Role, over a huge range of topics and titles. Plus, there's been additional features, and of course, reviews!

Well, now we're excited to say you can find these within two new Volumes - Dungeon Master's Guide to Roleplaying Volumes One and Two, available for £2.99 each. They're a perfect read for everyone from the seasoned Game Master to the first time player. Each one is packed full of all of the above, with PGs like Tales from the Loop, Pathfinder, Forbidden Lands, Vampire Masquerade, Warhammer, Cthulhu, and many, many more, meaning it has something for everyone to enjoy.

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Whether you've been a DM/GM for years and are a seasoned pro, or you're just about to pick up your first set of dice, there's some great tips and advice spread throughout both volumes. 

You can find these editions by clicking here.

We'd love to know what you think of these, so please do head over to our twitter or any of our socials to let us know!