16 August 2019
What's inside this month's issue?
Issue 437 of Miniature Wargames is available to buy now. What do we have for the readers?
On the cover we have Vive L’Empereur! Two articles on gaming Waterloo including a report on The Great Game - the biggest Waterloo game ever using Black Powder – and Alternate Waterloo: At Waterloo Napoleon did surrender. Or did he?
In Bolt Action: Korea we are heading East exploring the latest release from Warlord and Osprey with co-designer Steven Smith (and finishing with some painting tips!).
In Fire In The Fens Hereward the Wake is fighting off the Normans. Rules downloads for By Crom (plus adaptations to other systems) and three scenarios are included.
In Send Three and Fourpence Conrad Kinch sets out some solo gaming set in Hungary 1848 using Rebels & Patriots rules.
In Wargame-mancer we interview Joseph McGuire on designing the new cyberpunk skirmish game Reality’s Edge.
In Command Decision we have The Battle of Karnal: Persian Mughals 1739.
We have a number of Scratch Building items for you to try: We not only paint minis for the Korean War; we try Quick and Dirty table top standard painting, making some Craters and the Wargames Widow’s into rock!
There’s a report on the Joy of Six show, plus there’s all the usual news and reviews. For this time we have Fantasy Facts: with the usual look at the latest products in F&SF gaming featuring Brigade, Osprey!
And there’s Forward Observer with (mostly) historical wargaming product reports on Peedie Models; Victrix Caliver Books and even more! Finally we have Recce for a 10 book reviews. And the free Club Directory!
Pick up your copy from most good newsagents or buy your September 2019 copy of Miniature Wargames here