Malifaux now has a companion app, Bad Things Happen

12 December 2017
Screen-Shot-2017-12-12-at-10.22.22-20153.png Malifaux: Bad Things Happen
With model collection tracker, crew builder, encounter creator and more

Weird-fantasy miniatures skirmish game Malifaux has jumped into yet another dimension with a new digital companion app.

Bad Things Happen is an iOS and Android app that includes features such as a collection manager to track which models you own (including whether they’ve been painted), crew builder to put together a side for matches – and share your loadout online – and encounter creator for planning battles.

The app doubles as a score and status tracker for matches, as well as a quick reference for every faction’s stats, abilities and actions.

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The base app is free, but you’ll need to cough up a tenner for the full stats cards available as an in-app purchase.

Bad Things Happen was released a couple of weeks ago, but has been updated since to resolve a number of technical bugs and add the ability to view stats cards offline.


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