Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 card game is all about making an awesome music mix while screwing over your friends

30 May 2017
gotg2_gearupandrockout_2017_pr_web-99131.jpg Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Gear Up and Rock Out! – An Awesome Mix Card Game
Gear Up and Rock Out! involves bluffing and trading to acquire the best gear

The Guardians of the Galaxy movies are heavily indebted to their 1970s and ‘80s soundtracks, spanning from the instantly iconic use of Hooked on a Feeling in the group’s 2014 first outing to the recurring appearance of Looking Glass’ Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl) in this year’s sequel, so it makes sense that a new card game based on Vol. 2 would focus on the musical side of the comic book spin-offs.

The exhaustingly-titled Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Gear Up and Rock Out! – An Awesome Mix Card Game is a bluffing and trading title from USAopoly that sees players taking on the roles of the Guardians (yes, Baby Groot is in there) and jostling to pick up the best gear – or simply stealing it from their pals.

Two decks of cards, one representing the controls of the Walkman playing the awesome mix and another full of the gear needed to win, are used by players in the game, with a third stack of custom event cards changing the format of each round. Among the gear hides Ego, who stops players making bets. There’s also a bunch of battery chip tokens, which we assume you’ll need to power the Walkman.

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Gear Up and Rock Out! can be played by three to eight players, and costs $20 (£16) over in the US and Canada – you’ll have to import it if you’re interested in getting a copy in the UK.