Battle for Teddysburg is a 'beary' different take on the American Civil War

16 January 2017
Inf-Command-Kepi-500x500-73820.jpg Battle for Teddysburg
18mm minis show teddies re-enacting conflict, including cavalry and artillery units

Well, here’s something you don’t see every day.

Slave 2 Gaming has released its line of Battle for Teddysburg miniatures, which – as the name suggests – depict teddy bears re-enacting the American Civil ‘Paw’.

Although the use of teddies might suggest an insincere approach to the historical period, that’s not the case – Mike Broadbent’s 18mm sculpts range from foot troops and cavalry to artillery batteries, with the only glaring historical inaccuracy being the presence of the bears (oh, and the use of rocking horses in the place of real steeds). There’s even fun takes on the military leaders of the day, including General George G Teddeade and General Ted E Lee.

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The figures were released alongside the beta version of the Battle for Teddysburg wargaming rules authored by Drew Edney, which you can pick up a PDF of for $3.50 (£3).

The sets of miniatures cost between $5 (£4) and $10 (£8), portraying both sides of the battle and offering a choice of multiple poses for each pack.

And, before you panic about the poor teddies spilling their stuffing onto the battlefield, don’t worry: Edney clarifies that the bears are simply re-enacting the battles and not actually killing each other. Phew.